L-Cut-up the lane & bust out
Post up at the wing

Catch, Turn & Face
Stay Low, head up
Establish pivot foot( front turn or reverse pivot)
Free your shooting foot

Short moves, same speed
Jab & go
Jab, crossover, sweep & go
Jab, step back & shoot
Jab, rock & go

At or above the Block
Wide base, sit on defenses thigh, get big
Pin hand in crease, target hand where you want ball
Catch with two hands
Chin to baseline shoulder (look & locate the defense)
Develop a pet move and a counter

1. Drop step, crab dribble, power layup
2. Turnaround jumpshot or Jump hook
3. Face up, ball fake. step through, crab dribble, shot

1. Show & Go
Avoiding the blocked shot
Generally it is "help" defenders who block the shot rather than the player guarding the shooter, so be aware of them. Do what you can to throw off a shotblockers, such as releasing the ball a little sooner or waiting and making a shot fake first. On power layups, your shoulders should be parrallel to the backboard instead of facing the basket. This helps protect the ball a little better. A term to remember is BODY-BODY-BALL. You always want to have the defenders BODY, then your BODY, then the BALL. This way your body is protecting the shot. Of course another good idea is to work on your "mid-range" game by coming to a jump stop and shooting a little jump shot BEFORE you get to the shot blocker.
Jab Step and Drive
Take a step like you are going in one direction, and drive to the basket in the other direction. When you start your drive, have a quick first step and go shoulder to shoulder past your defender straight to the basket. If you take your first step to the side, your defender will catch up to you and play defense again.
Jab Step and Shot
Step with either foot like you are going to drive to the basket. You must sell it make the defender really believe that you are going to go to the basket. Then you balance back up and take the jumpshot.
L Cut
When executing an "L-Cut" you start at the block on the edge of the free throw lane and walk your defender up the side of the lane. When your teammate is ready to deliver the pass you step into the defender, make contact, and change speeds quickly by pushing off of your inside foot to pop out to the wing.
When you go for a layup, don't spin the ball off your fingers. This happens when you turn your wrist during the release of your shot.By spinning it, you have a better chance of the ball rimming-out! Keep your wrist stiff as you release the ball.
Learning Layups
When just learning to shoot layups, players should begin shooting layups from just one step away from the basket. If they are shooting from the right side of the basket, they should step with their right foot, left foot, look at the box, and shoot. Right-Left-Up! As they master this, they can begin stepping back and adding the dribble to their shot.
Shot Fakes
You can work on your fakes without any defense. The important thing is to make your shot fake look like a real shot. You must sell the fake. If it doesn't, the defender won't go for it, and will still defend you well. I tell my players "fake little, step big"(to beat your opponent, your first step should be quick and long)To fake a shot, you need to make everything look like a shot... show the ball... bring it up near your forehead... then watch the defender... if the defense goes for the fake, you will see them come towards you... then take the ball to the hoop! Practice your moves with your shot fakes everyday, until they are second nature to you.
Triple Threat Position
After receiving the ball on the perimeter, you should assume a triple-threat position. Pivot toward the basket and be in a position to pass, shoot, or drive. This makes you more difficult to defend as the defender does not know what you will do.
Use your eyes to catch
The eyes are just as important as the hands when it comes to catching the ball. When receiving a pass, it is important to watch the ball all the way into the hands. Many times a player with "bad hands" simply isn't watching the ball.
Getting open is the first part of running any offensive play. A "V-Cut" will help you get away from your defender to catch a pass. To make a V-Cut you should take a couple of steps in one direction, and while your feet are a little closer together,plant your foot, and QUICKLY push off in the other direction with a BIG step to get away from the defense. This will free you to catch a pass.
Fake and Drive
Fake a shot, and then drive to the basket. The key to this move is to stay low when you use the shot fake, so that you take off fast on your drive to the basket(like a track sprinter). I tell my players to "fake little, move big".
Give & Go
The give and go is one of the most fundamental plays in basketball. What you do is pass to a teammate(this is the give part) and then cut to the basket(this is the go part). The player you passed to passes the ball back to you, and hopefully, you score. This is a great 2 man play.
When practicing, it is very important that you use your imagination. You will find yourself in situations in games when you are faced with something that you have not prepared for. Do shooting drills in which you adjust your shot as if you have been met by a defender. In this way, when faced with a situation in a game, you will be able to make the adjustment comfortably.
Keep your dribble alive
The most common mistake of inexperienced basketball players is "giving up their dribble". The defense will collapse on you, trap you, and feed on this mistake. Coaches can't emphasize this enough. Emphasize catching the ball, holding the ball until you have a purpose prior to putting the ball to the floor.
Lay up
Footwork needs to be "automated" for high percentage success in lay-ups, which means many, many hours of practice. Jump off the left foot for a right - handed lay-up, and vice versa. Aim for the box and extend as far as possible to get a high percentage shot. This is the most made, most missed, and most important shot in basketball. This shot must be mastered to play any form of basketball from rec to pro.
Look Under the Basket
When you are handling the ball in your half court offense, it is a good rule of thumb to focus under the basket. With the development of your peripheral vision, this will allow you to see the entire floor and spot anyone on your team as they come open.
Offensive position with the ball.
When you first catch the ball, you should automatically be in what is called the triple threat. Stay low in a position to shoot, pass or dribble easily without a position change. This is one of the most important things a player can do to impress a coach. Knees should be bent, hands in the position to shoot easily, but make sure you have a tight handle on the ball so a defender doesn't knock it away. Feet should be squared to the basket, with the power foot a little bit in front of the other.(The power foot is the foot that is matched with the dominant hand, like right handed shooters=right foot, opposite for left)
Penetrate and dish
The secret to success in penetrate and dish is keep your head up when you dribble, beat your man, and as that other defender is coming toward you, pass off. You will create havoc in a team`s defensive scheme. Another tip is when you dish it off, pass while you are on the ground, not in the air. If you go airborne, it should be to score. If you go up in the air to pass, as you are in the air, a defensive player could jump into that passing lane... and then you are stuck. Many turnovers are made this way.
Penetrate Middle
On the offensive side, point guards and others should penetrate middle. I want them to get to the lane. If you can get into the lane, especially with a jump stop and are strong and solid with the ball, you are pretty much unstoppable. You could shoot, use ball fakes and shoot or pass to the low post, or kick out for a '3'
Pick and Roll
The pick and roll play is one of the most fundamental play in basketball. First, you must know how to set a good screen(see setting a screen). What you do is go up to the person who is the defense guarding the player with the ball. With a wide stance, you go up to that defender and stand to the side of the defender(set a pick) in which direction your teammate wants to drive to go. Make sure you screen at a 45 degree angle so that the defender cannot just slide behind you(the screener) and catch up to continue playing defense again on your teammate. As your teammate dribbles by you and his defender has been blocked by you, you make a back or reverse pivot and cut to the basket.(This is called a roll) This is called the pick and roll.
Shot Fake
One of the most common moves is a shot fake. When another player on your team passes the ball to you and you are in triple threat and you can't move because you have defense guarding you, you can jab (which will back the player up) or shot fake (which will make them stand up and you can go right pass them).
Create Spacing
Move to create proper spacing , using the three point line and marks on the floor as a spacing guide. Try to maintain 12`-18` spacing and don`t get bunched up. The floor should be balanced (don`t have four guys on one side of the floor and only one on the other - unless it is an isolation play designed to take advantage of something in particular).
Cut backdoor
Get open when the man with the ball is in a position to pass the ball by faking one way and using a V-cut or an L-cut to elude the defense.If that player without the ball is being overplayed he should cut backdoor (behind the man and to the basket)
Getting open using V-cuts-The best way to get open to receive a pass is through the use of V-cuts. A v-cut is a cut by which you take your defender further in the direction in which he plays you, then plant and go the opposite way. If the defender is laying off, go toward him, then pop back. If the defender is overplaying you, take him higher, then cut toward the basket.
Going to set a downscreen-When setting a down screen for a player, the screener should "Head Hunt" and find the defender guarding the player that is being screened for. The screener should go directly to the defensive man to set the screen. The screener should then come to a stop with a wide base and knees flexed, immediately before contact with the defense, to avoid a moving screen.
Keep moving-We often say that the biggest mistake you can make, is to stand. Always move with a purpose. When the player does not have the ball he should move to the ball, fake, move away from the ball, set a screen, get rebounding position, or improve spacing, but never just stand. Think about the players that you don`t like to guard. They probably are the ones that are constantly moving, requiring you to stay alert or else he will sneak free for an easy shot. BE THAT PERSON, AND KEEP MOVING!
L-Cut-When executing an "L-Cut" you start at the block on the edge of the free throw lane and walk your defender up the side of the lane. When your teammate is ready to deliver the pass you step into the defender, make contact, and change speeds quickly by pushing off of your inside foot to pop out to the wing.
Meet the ball-When a teammate passes you the ball, come and meet it - don`t wait for it to get to you. Passes are usually stolen the last third of the pass--it is the receiver's responsibility to step to and meet the pass aggressively.
Move without the Ball-The most dangerous player on the court is that player without the ball who will move. Defenses have a tendency to focus on the ball, so if you will move without the ball when on offense, you will often find yourself getting open for easy shots.
Proper Screening Angles-When setting a screen, the screener should have their shoulder blades pointing to the "shot-spot" (destination of the users cut where they want to get the shot). The user of the screen is usually open wherever the screeners back is facing.
Screen to Get Open-A screen may be a method of helping a teammate get open, but a good screen forces the screener's defender to "help" and becomes one of the best ways to free yourself for a shot.
Setting a Pick and Roll-Setting a screen(called a pick) for a teammate with the ball is a play that Stockton and Malone of the Utah Jazz made a living in pro basketball(pick and roll) perfecting. When you set a pick or screen for someone who has the ball, run to the defender's side and stand at a 45 degree angle slightly behind him. Your stance must be wide, pull your arms into the chest and brace for contact, since the defender will most likely bump into you. When this happens, you have set a good screen. If the player with the ball must wait until you have set your screen before he drives in that direction. If he leaves before the screen is set(stopped), it will be a foul on the screener if there is contact.
After the shot-After a shot is taken, either move to the board and go after the ball OR get back on defense.
Position in the Low Post-When you are on offense in the low post you need to make the defense play you on just one side. The offense wants to keep contact with the defense and once he has established his defensive position, pin him there and make him stay where he is. Be big and wide and always give a "target hand" so your teammate knows where to pass the ball.
PowerUp-This is a drill for your post players to practice exploding up to the basket, and using the backboard to score. With 3 players and one ball per basket, the 2 balls are placed on the blocks. It is a timed 1 minute drill. Player 1 picks up the ball on the right side, makes a drop step, gathers his feet and goes up strong off 2 feet, using the backboard and scores a layup. Then he does the same on the left side. Players 2 & 3 rebound and replace the ball to the blocks. Player 1 tries to make as many baskets as he can in 1 minute.
Read the Defense-Great post players catch and wait "1-second" to see how the individual and team defense will react to the low post pass before attacking the basket. While there are exceptions, such as when a player has an undeniable direct path to the basket with the defender behind them or on their hip, in general the best players look first, then make their move. This 1-second let's them read if a double team is coming, who is collapsing, and who might be left open should the double occur. It also helps them to keep good court vision to spot an open teammate cause by rotating defensive players.
Recognize Scoring Opportunities-Great post player neither a "black hole" nor a "automatic toss-back machine" when the entry pass is made. They recognize scoring opportunity but equally see when a pass out and return back later in the offensive sequence is a much higher percentage scoring play than forcing a shot just because they are positioned inside and receive the ball.
Tipping-Stand to one side of the basket, facing the basket, and toss the ball up on the board. Go up and tip the ball straight back ten times, the last one into the basket. The keys to this drill are developing your timing and using your finger tips in order to control the ball.
Use the Glass-Great post player can use the backboard when scoring to reduce the effectiveness of a great shot blocker, and in creating higher percentage shots by increasing the scoring opportunities by using the glass.
"Hide" behind defenders-Great post players know how to hide behind defenders eyes, make them turn their heads, and get the defender goofy footed to create quick flash post chances in very high percentage scoring areas. Their activity is purposeful and not wasted. Staying active does not mean just constantly moving with high energy for no purpose. It means playing an active chess game with their individual, and against an inspired team defense to find those "moments of opportunity".
"Wide" target-Keep the knees bent - make yourself a "wide" target - DO NOT stand up straight. We want the lower body low - the feet wider than the shoulders - and the upper body up - the post should show his numbers to the passer and give an aggressive target, he should present the picture of a post that wants the ball.
BUST IN-"BUST IN" when you are side-fronted by a defender's arm. KNOCK the defender's arm away by raising BOTH arms (hands) toward the ball and stepping over the defender's top foot. Knock the defender's arm away from below.
Chin the ball-Great post players chin and keep the ball up in a position of strength. The only time the ball comes down is a low-explosive-power dribble into an open space behind a defender, or down between the post players own legs where it is the most difficult to have a ball wood-pecked out by a pesky defender. The time the ball is low and exposed is very limited in great post players, less so in the average post player who often holds the ball like they are carrying a water balloon.
Create space-Create as much space for the pass as possible: A) If the defense is on the baseline side, set up lower to create more space for the pass on the high side - KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE! B) If the defense is on the (top) high side, set up higher to create more space for the pass on the baseline side - KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE! C) If the defense is behind, set up at the edge of the lane above the block to set up a situation where you can go either way. ATTEMPT TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE! D) If the defense fronts with the ball at the wing, set up as far from the lane as possible within four feet of the lane to create more space for the lob pass. If the defense fronts with the ball at the guard spot, set up as high as possible up to the fourth free throw lane space, to create more space for the lob pass. KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE!
Knees bent-Keep the knees bent and make yourself a "wide" target. DO NOT stand up straight. We want the lower body low , the feet wider than the shoulders and the upper body up. The post should show his numbers to the passer and give an aggressive target. He should always present the picture of a post player that wants the ball.
Leverage-Leverage Is Vital! Leverage is gained by foot and body movement and contact. Footwork is one of the hardest things to teach because it is not natural. Toes and shoulders should be pointed at the ball. Sit on the defender's thigh - the post's center of gravity is thereby lower than the defender's and this makes the post stronger. If the defender steps around in front of the post's foot, the post should step over the top of the defender's foot. If the defender attempts to go behind the post, the post keeps the defender behind by using short choppy steps with his arms in an "L", keeping his toes pointed toward the ball and maintaining contact with the defender. It is important for the post to get at the defender's feet, have firm arm bars in the shape of an "L" thereby creating space for the pass.
Seal Defenders-Great post players know how to use their back side to position and seal off defenders from getting good defensive position. Not only that but they are intelligent enough and skilled at baiting even the best defenders into fighting for a seemingly desired position, only to gain a better offensive position and chance of scoring from a more effective angle or position near the basket.
Catching the ball in the low post-When catching the ball in the low post, always come toward the ball, catching it with a little hop so that you can jump stop upon receiving the pass. This will allow you to be able to move in either direction after receiving the ball.
HIP-AND-ROLL-"HIP-AND-ROLL" when fronted. On the lob pass maintain contact with the fronting defender with your hip. See the ball. Put BOTH hands in the air as a target. Let the pass be thrown. As the passed ball is DIRECTLY above the fronting defender's head give the fronting defender a slight nudge with your hip "as you start your jump to catch the ball with two hands."
Pin the defense-Don't release the defender from your rear too soon when the defender is playing behind. Release after the ball has been passed and is nearly to you depending on the speed of the pass and the position of the defender. Nothing frustrates a coach or a passer more than for the post to be posted up strong and then on the pass have the defender step around the post and get a hand on the ball. If the post has position he should not let the defender around him. He must fight with his feet to win the 'foot-war", using short choppy steps to maintain his "pin" until releasing to catch the ball at the proper time. The post uses the same techniques as if blocking out for a defensive rebound.
Strong and Soft-Great post players has soft hands and strong arms. The ball lands on their finger tips like a butterfly on a flower but sticks like velcro. This comes from well developed finger strength, good hand-eye coordination, and excellent technique in keeping the elbows pointed out to press the ball inward. To test this yourself, hold the ball on your finger tips between the palms of your hands. Then extend both arms out forward as if you were handing the ball to someone underhanded. Have anyone try to slap the ball out of your hands in this position. It's relatively easy. But put your elbows
Two-Hand Target-Give a "Two-Hand Target" and protect the target area by effective use of the body.